About Us

Hi Everyone!

 My name is Laura Skvortsov and I am recently married to the most wonderful man in the whole world, Mr Artem Skvortsov.

   We live in a small downtown apartment in the beautiful city of San Antonio, Texas.
We are totally in love with each other, with God and our life in general.

This blog was started as a way for me to creatively document this exciting time of our lives.
It is a blog of random thoughts and photos about our urban life, being newly married, God, my creative impulses, food, music, clothes/fashion and whatever my else my heart desires. 

Artem is Russian, therefore our last name is Russian as well.
 Transalated to english it means Starlings, hence the name of the blog, Urban Starlings.

I hope you enjoy this blog about our life.

 - Mrs Skvortsov

Artem's Family

My Family

If you are interested in:

. advertising on this blog
. sponsoring a giveaway on this blog
. sponsoring a product review
Please contact me:
