Saturday, July 14, 2012

Farmers Market

Hey guys! Hope you're having a fantastic Saturday so far.
Husband and I just returned from a morning bike ride to the farmers market at the Pearl.
I'm totally in love with this awesome community known as the Pearl Brewery and it's just a hop from our house so we like to bike there a lot.  
If you're ever in the area check it out. 
The farmer's market is always an adventure. 
My personal favorite part is tasting all the samples (**shame faced**) and seeing all the cute dogs. 
Dogs?? Yep!! Everyone, and I mean everyone (except us) brings their dogs to the market with them. There are literally dogs of every shape, size and breed you can imagine. If I had a dog I would take it just to feel more like I fit in. Alas...the husband and I are pet-less. Our money still works though so they haven't thrown us out. Ha!
The husband insisted on taking a picture of me for the blog.  :(  Ok.

the bees were just to look at. lol! I was disappointed to find I couldn't own one. :P
 Husband bought some super yummy honey with honey comb in it. We came home and ate it with fresh bread. MMmm!

The Pearl Brewery, San Antonio Texas
Pretty flowers

fresh bread with mustard seed. so fantastic!

fresh, colorful peppers

my yummy jalepeno cheese, sausage kolache. this thing was Amazing!!!
 Gotta go do something productive. Later!

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